c++ - How to pass class/structure instances as arguments to callbacks using boost::bind? -

i looking , stuck on issue of passing class , structure instances arguments call functions using boost::bind

so far call using this method works fine. want use shown below code snippets

class {   public :   static int = 1;  }; 

however, want pass class instance call function pointer described below

void init(void (*notify)(a *a, int, int,int),int arr[],           *a, value,int left,int right) {  } 

you cannot use boost bind directly this. init function requires pointer free function having signature:

void (*)(a *a, int, int, int) 

so implement 1 this:

void foo(a *a, int x, int y, int z) {     a->whatever(x, y, z); } 

you'd call init(foo, ...).

but have free function; equivalent boost bind expression not work:

boost::bind(&a::whatever, _1, _2, _3) 

why won't work? because init requires free function, not e.g. boost::function<void(a*,int,int,int>)> support boost::bind.


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