java - JQuery datatable refreshing after Serverside processing -

i have 1 table having number of columns in columns dependent on other.

how can refresh jquery datatable after editing 1 column in table values @ other columns updated after server side processing.

i haven't tried approach, i've seen in datatables done through custom functions. example, in buttons section, can add custom button with

        ,{     "sextends":    "text",     "sbuttontext": "refressh serverside",     "fnclick": function ( nbutton, oconfig, oflash ) {                              myrefreshfn();         }     } 

where myrefreshfn(); can want. can define outside datatables declaration , use, example, jquery.ajax detect when server answers, trigger common datatables method. in case, might want trigger whole row rendering queue, make changed value affect every other dependant cell.


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