geospatial - mongodb's ensureIndex doesn't work accurately -

mongodb version: osx-x86_64-2.4.5

i have collection of users geolocation data in following form:

[     {         "_id" : "24128f74-3e47-4f02-8188-37779f3eca3c",         "geolocation" : {             "lat" : 55.5884705,             "lng" : 13.0111425         }     },     {         "_id" : "65db4271-8eff-4619-95fb-08135cbccb8f",         "geolocation" : {             "lat" : 55.58934530000001,             "lng" : 13.0066488         },         "email" : ""     },     {         "_id" : "74d17da5-af4c-4386-9efa-9817f11b64f9",         "geolocation" : {             "lat" : 55.58934530000001,             "lng" : 13.0066488         }     },     {         "_id" : "d0378d09-1f69-4e01-8602-b4805466a029",         "geolocation" : {             "lat" : 55.590957,             "lng" : 13.001412         }     } ] 

as don't want migrate production data, created index able use geospatial queries such $geowithin documented here

db.user.ensureindex({ geolocation : '2d'}) 

if query user collection in following way, empty array back

db.user.find({ geolocation: {    $geowithin : {       $center : [ [ 13.0111425,55.5884705 ], 1 ]    } }}); 

note exact location user 24128f74-3e47-4f02-8188-37779f3eca3c, @ least should returned.

when convert users' geolocation property [ long, lat ] format, user entry looks following, , apply same query again, users, ones further away.

[ {     "_id" : "24128f74-3e47-4f02-8188-37779f3eca3c",     "geolocation" : [         13.0111425,         55.5884705     ] },      ... ] 

do have idea might going wrong?


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