Batch file to delete folders older than N days except specific ones -

i'm looking make batch file delete profiles haven't been used in on 6 months while retaining specific ones such "administrator, default user, users, etc."

i've searched around , have found way remove older files/folders:

forfiles.exe /p d:\files /s /m . /d -7 /c "cmd /c del @file"

but there's no way of making exception "forfiles"

i've found way delete files/folders exceptions:

for %%i in (*.exe) if not "%%i"=="file name" del /q "%%i"

but that'll remove every file/folder , not older ones.

my scenario: take care of hundreds of workstations run winxp. there several users log in these computers , wouldn't want delete accounts. haven't logged in in while , exception of 3 or 4 permanent accounts in each workstation same. so, if no 1 has logged in administrator account in on 6 months, stay intact. can't drop forfiles of these workstations or other piece of software i'm limited on capabilities.

can help?

at first, make text file folder exceptions, put 1 folder per line in double quotes.
put exception file in %userprofile% folder.
example exception.txt:

"default" "default user" "all users" 

batch code:

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('forfiles /p "%userprofile%\.." /d -180 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==true echo @file"^|findstr /vig:"%userprofile%\exception.txt"') echo rd /s /q "%%~a" 

look @ output , remove echo command, if looks good.
forfiles available in xp prof. or better, not xp home.


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