Java compiling error, please help, i suck at java -

here error : "exception in thread "main" java.lang.runtimeexception: uncompilable source code - constructor thecontroller in class project**.thecontroller cannot applied given types;

required: java.lang.string

found: int

reason: actual argument int cannot converted java.lang.string method invocation conversion @ project***.main.main("

i know tells me problem is, how fix it?

here code "main",

public class main {  /**  * @param args command line arguments  */ public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {       readfile statesreadfile = new readfile();     statesreadfile.loaddata("states2.txt");     thecontroller statesqueues = new thecontroller(statesreadfile.getnumstates());     statesstack mystatesstack = new statesstack(statesreadfile.getnumstates()); 

and here guess doesn't match cause have error there too,

public class thecontroller {  public queues pq1;   public queues pq3;  public queues pq5;  public queues pq6;  private statesstack statearray;  private readfile statesreadfile;  /*  *   */  public thecontroller(string filename) throws ioexception  {     statesreadfile = new readfile();     statearray = statesreadfile.loaddata(filename);      pq1 = new queues(6);      pq3 = new queues(12);     pq5 = new queues(6);     pq6 = new queues(12);   }// end of  

any helpful suggestion appreciated, .

(oh , have more code if needed)

the parameter passing thecontroller constructor int should string in line thecontroller statesqueues = new thecontroller(statesreadfile.getnumstates());

getnumstates() returns number of states.


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