c++ - Extract 4 SSE integers to 4 chars -

suppose have __m128i containing 4 32-bit integer values.

is there way can store inside char[4], lower char each int value stored in char value?

desired result:

           r1          r2          r3          r4 __m128i    0x00000012  0x00000034  0x00000056  0x00000078    |   v  char[4]    0x12        0x34        0x56        0x78      

sse2 , below preferred. compiling on msvc++.

with sse2 can use following code:

char[4] array; x = _mm_packs_epi32(x, x); x = _mm_packus_epi16(x, x); *((int*)array) = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(x); 


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