ios - The number of sections contained in the collection view after the update must be equal to before the update -

i've uicollectionview contains 10 sections , each sections have 2 cells. trying delete cell getting this:

the number of sections contained in collection view after update (2) must equal number of sections contained in collection view before update (2) 

this how remove:

nsuinteger arraylength = 1;     nsuinteger integerarray[] = {0,0};     nsindexpath *apath = [[nsindexpath alloc] initwithindexes:integerarray length:arraylength];     [self.collectionfavs deleteitemsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:apath]]; 

i want delete cell or section cells. mistake?

you should delete element datasource array. f.e. if method return 2 before deleting cell after deleting should return 1

- (nsinteger)collectionview:(uicollectionview *)collectionview numberofitemsinsection:(nsinteger)section {     if (notdeleted)         return 2;     else         return 1; } 

in fact if return [array count] in method, should remove 1 object array before calling -deleteitemsatindexpaths

nsuinteger integerarray[] = {0,0}; nsindexpath *apath = [[nsindexpath alloc] initwithindexes:integerarray length:arraylength]; [array removeobjectatindex:0]; [self.collectionfavs deleteitemsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:apath]]; 


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