python - Is there a better way to split of objects by one of its attributes? -

i'm working on appengine app , have list of objects datastore want split groups based on 1 of attributes. have solution this, wanted check if knows of better way this.

this code have @ moment:

for report in reports:   if report.status == 'new':     new_reports.append(report)   elif report.status == 'read':     read_reports.append(report)   elif report.status == 'accepted':     accepted_reports.append(report)   elif report.status == 'deined':     denied_reports.append(report)   elif report.status == 'resubmitted':     resubmitted_reports.append(report) 

any ideas welcome!

a dictionary nice instead of local variables:

reports_by_status = {'new': [],      'read': [],      'accepted': [],      'deined': [],    # denied?      'resubmitted': []}  report in reports:     d[report.status].append(report) 

but made typo! might nice prevent using whatever data in status variable assign category:

reports_by_status = {} report in reports:     if report.status not in reports_by_status:         reports_by_status[status] = []     reports_by_status[status].append(report) 

this common pattern, have few ways make nicer:

reports_by_status = {} report in reports:     reports_by_status.set_default(report.status, []).append(report) 

but nicer defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict by_status = defaultdict(list) report in reports:     by_status[report].append(report) 

itertools.groupby nice, encapsulates categorization action:

from itertools import groupby by_status = {} category, group in groupby(reports, lambda x: x.status):     by_status[category] = list(group) 

but our loop looking map()-ish, let's use list comprehension:

from itertools import groupby dict([(k:list(v)) k, v in groupby(reports, lambda x: x.status)]) 

and remember we're in python 2.7, have dictionary comprehensions too:

from itertools import groupby {k:list(v) k, v in groupby(reports, lambda x: x.status)} 

or favorite far,

from itertools import groupby operator import attrgetter {k:list(v) k, v in groupby(reports, attrgetter('status'))} 


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