ruby on rails - Stripe "Invalid API Key Provided" -

i have followed stripe's rails tutorial ( (copy , pasted code), when run rails

publishable_key=pk_foo secret_key=sk_bar rails s  

and go localhost:3000/charges/new , fill out fields test card data (card number "4242 4242 4242 4242"),

invalid api key provided: ***********_*** 

any ideas why happening?

you need plug in your publishable key , secret key; pk_foo , sk_bar placeholders. (unlike api docs, checkout tutorial doesn't use information account.)

you can them api keys tab of account.

i.e. secret key of sk123456 , publishable key of pk_987654, you'd issue:

publishable_key=pk_987654 secret_key=sk123456 rails s 

if still doesn't work there couple things check:

  • are both keys same environment (test or live)? people mix 2 together.
  • if load rails console instead of rails server, can access environment variables env['publishable_key'] , env['secret_key']?
  • if you're using multiple apis, it's possible have kind of collision occurring; might try adjusting command-line , code stripe_publishable_key , stripe_secret_key.


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