extjs - Adding an empty row to a grid -
i trying add rows grid.
i saw example in docs:
onaddrouteclick: function(){ // create model instance var rec = new kitchensink.model.grid.plant({ buying_vendor_id: 12, country_code: '1', route: 0 }); this.getstore().insert(0, rec); this.cellediting.starteditbyposition({ row: 0, column: 0 });
this.getstore().insert(0, rec); this.cellediting.starteditbyposition({ row: 0, column: 0 }); }
but cant seem make work in code.
this grid:
onbtnroutessearchclick: function(button, e, options){ var me = this; var v_url = 'getroutes.jsp?' + ext.urlencode({'route_id': routeid, 'route_country_code' : routecountrycode , 'route_vendor_id' : routevendorid}); var newtab = ext.create('ext.panel.panel', { id: 'routes_pannel', title: 'routes', autoscroll: true, layout: { type: 'fit' }, closable: true, dockeditems: [ { xtype: 'toolbar', dock: 'top', items: [ { xtype: 'button', id: 'buttonresetbid', icon: 'images/plus.png', text: 'add row', listeners: { click: { fn: me.onaddrouteclick, scope: me } } } ] } ], items: [{ id: 'routes_grid', xtype: 'gridpanel', autoshow: false, autoscroll: true, store: ext.create('ext.data.store', { fields:[ {name: 'buying_vendor_id', type: 'int', sorttype: 'asint'}, {name: 'country_code', type: 'int', sorttype: 'asint'}, {name: 'route', type: 'int', sorttype: 'asint'} ], proxy: { type: 'ajax', timeout: 120000, url: v_url, reader: { type: 'json', root: 'data', successproperty: 'success' } }, autoload: true }), columns: [ { xtype: 'gridcolumn', dataindex: 'buying_vendor_id', width: 100, text: 'buying vendor' }, { xtype: 'gridcolumn', dataindex: 'country_code', width: 100, text: 'country code' }, { xtype: 'gridcolumn', dataindex: 'route', width: 80, text: 'route' } ], }] }); var panel = ext.getcmp("maintabpanelid"); panel.add(newtab).show();
so trying add
record store
right? ok, lets @ store api http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/#!/api/ext.data.store-method-add
sample usage:
mystore.add({some: 'data'}, {some: 'other data'});
the best practice create model class . read component guides on grid , data package .
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