vb.net - Getting an error when I check a check box -

i have pretty basic program assignment (i'm beginner it's still tricky me) requires enter decimal value, , have check box calculation , show result in different labels. i'm getting errors when checkthe check box no values added.

private sub chkgst_checkedchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles chkgst.checkedchanged     'get txtdollaramt*const dgst (0.07d) display lblgstoutput. txtdollaramt+dgst, display lbltotaloutput      dim damt string      damt = decimal.parse(txtdollaramt.text)      if chkgst.checked = true         lblgstoutput.text = damt * dgst      end if    end sub 

dim damt decimal   if decimal.tryparse(txtdollaramt.text, damt)     if chkgst.checked = true         lblgstoutput.text = damt * dgst     end if end if     


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