ios - How to test if keyboard is covering UITextField in UITableView? -

how can check if keyboard covering first responder inside uiscrollview may or may not uitableview? note uiscrollview not cover entire viewcontroller's view , may contained in modal view (uimodalpresentationformsheet).

i'm using modified code apple's reference documentation , example, cgrectcontainspoint return false when keyboard covering first responder. it's obvious i'm not using convertrect:toview correctly.

also, apple's code not take account view not full-screen, setting scrollview's contentinset full height of keyboard isn't great solution -- should inset portion of keyboard covering firstresponder.

- (void)keyboardwasshown:(nsnotification*)anotification  {     // self.scrollview can tableview or not. need handle both     uiview *firstresponderview = [self.scrollview findfirstresponder];     if (!firstresponderview)         return;      nsdictionary* info = [anotification userinfo];     cgrect rect = [[info objectforkey:uikeyboardframeenduserinfokey] cgrectvalue];      // convertrect:toview? convertrect:fromview? confusing     cgrect kbrect = [self.scrollview convertrect:rect toview:nil];     cgrect viewrect = [self.scrollview convertrect:firstresponderview.bounds toview:nil];      // doesn't work. convertrect misuse blame      if (!cgrectcontainspoint(kbrect, firstresponderview.frame.origin))         return;      // inset portion keyboard covers?     uiedgeinsets contentinsets = uiedgeinsetsmake(0.0, 0.0, kbrect.size.height, 0.0);     self.scrollview.contentinset = contentinsets;     self.scrollview.scrollindicatorinsets = contentinsets; } 

without further testing or having deep @ logic, line seems odd:

cgrect kbrect = [self.scrollview convertrect:rect toview:nil]; 

the keyboard rect (that included in notification) in window coordinates , want convert scroll view coordinate system. [viewa convertrect:rect toview:viewb] converts rect viewa's coordinate system viewb's coordinate system, doing opposite of should doing (as suspected).

what i'm doing this:

- (void)keyboardwillshow:(nsnotification *)anotification {     nsdictionary *info = [anotification userinfo];     cgrect kbrect = [[info objectforkey:uikeyboardframeenduserinfokey] cgrectvalue];     kbrect = [self.view.window convertrect:kbrect toview:self.view];    // convert local coordinate system, otherwise in window coordinates , not consider interface orientation     _keyboardsize = kbrect.size;    // store later use      [uiview animatewithduration:0.25 animations:^{         uiedgeinsets insets = uiedgeinsetsmake(0.0f, 0.0f, max(0.0f, cgrectgetmaxy(_tableview.frame) - cgrectgetminy(kbrect)), 0.0f);    // nb: _tableview direct subview of self.view, _tableview.frame , kbrect in same coordinate system         _tableview.contentinset = insets;         _tableview.scrollindicatorinsets = insets;         [self scrolltoactivetextfield];    // here adapt content offset ensure active text field visible     }]; } 


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