Paypal SDK and IPN callback not working -

i'm developing affiliate script paypal adaptive payments sdk. have following code:

$payrequest = new payrequest(new requestenvelope("en_us"), 'pay',$arrpaypal  ['paypal_return'] , 'usd', $receiverlist, $arrpaypal['paypal_return']); $payrequest->ipnnotificationurl = $arrpaypal['paypal_callback']; $payrequest->memo = 'payment ' . $arruserinfo['plan_title']; $payrequest->trackingid = $intid; 

however not firing callback script. url http:// ipaddress /script.php. if set in paypal sandbox hit it's not adaptive payments response detailed in sdk. please explain how enable it?

you may have gotten case of ipn setter wrong. try ipnnotificationurl instead of ipnnotificationurl


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