java - save radio button selection int string -

sry bad title don't know how looking for.

my idea: want develop app 10 questions à 3 answers. should this:


1st answer (radio button)

2nd answer (radio button)

3rd answer (radio button)

next question (button)

one of these answers gives 0 points, 1 5 points , 1 10 points. can reach miminum of 0 points , maximum of 100 points.

question: can save points string/int , later total? can create last activity with:

you reached x/y/z points

text x/text y/text z

and specific text that. let me 0-50 points: text z "try luck again" 50-80 point: text y "not bad" 80+ points: text z "you awesome!"

i tryed search solution don't know search for. started developing 3 month ago. awesome if can me example codes in java because i'm in proceed of learning.

thanks lot!

create public fields in each activity , count in oncreate method


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