java - Unique Characters -

i working on project class. have find number of unique hashtags in tweet input java. relatively new coding, stuck how find out unique hashtags. far, have scanner.

package edu.bsu.cs121.jmgibson;  import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import java.util.scanner;  public class hashtag {  public static void main(string args[]) {     arraylist<string> hashtag = new arraylist<string>();     scanner tweet = new scanner(;     while (true) {         system.out.println("please enter name: ");         hashtag.add(;     }  }  } 

here link usage of scanner:

you firstly want identify how create needed delimiter. there example in link, looking substring begins # , ends whitespace. since homework assignment exact answer cannot given - however, custom delimiter need be.


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