Refactoring if elsif else or in Ruby block -

def main_method     new_array = []      some_array.each |foo|       if (method_01? foo) || (method_02? foo) || (method_03? foo) || (method_04? foo) || (method_05? foo)       else         new_array << foo       end     end   end 

is there better way write above code without or (||) , without elsif conditions?

is looping thru hash appropriate such refactoring?

maybe help?

i've updated answer splitting array on 2 groups.

def main_method   methods = [:method1, :method2, :method3]  non_passed_elems, passed_elems = some_array.partition |elem|     methods.none? |method|       send(method, elem)     end   end   passed_elems.each{ |t| method_for_passed_elems(t) }   non_passed_elems.each{ |t| method_for_non_passed_elems(t) } end 


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