iphone - Trouble and needed clarification for Itunes Connect -

i adding game center application , feel lost. first of all,, app nmot game, want people see thier friends "score". have classify app game? working on adding app itunes connect dont quite it. when add , select distribution date, have distribute it? happens when day reached? need use gamecenter in beta version? how app know connected itunes connect? sorrty if these stupid questiopns, dont quite understand.

if app uses game center, typical thing classified game. don't know how, , who, review app, pass review process, though. let's see 2 things: - if need show leaderboard, app not game, create own leaderboard, or use third party leaderboard (eg google's). - different questions pose in end of multiple "question". suggest each 1 of in internet. shortly, date of public release depends on app submission , approval. if date public release 1/1/2011 , send app apple, when approved automatically published. shouldn't send beta versions apple. game center features should available in sandbox mode while developing (please terms in internet).


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