solr - Solrj server in EJB 3 container -

using jboss eap 6.1 , solr 4.5

how people interact solr (via solrj) in ejb container? people create managed bean wrapping solrserver implementation? how many instances or singleton (queuing commits , forth)? contemplating using embedded server adds in thread-safety considerations.

have gone far jca adapter?

the best way using hibernatesearch in jpa layer.

you need implement own solr worker backend, can find example here: hibernatesearchsolrworkerbackend

in solr worker backend use solrj, , after annotate entities hibernatesearch annotation interact automatically solr after each transaction commited. indexes date.

you can take @ entire example have idea on how implement hibernate_search_solr_integration

in above project find complete spring example. if want use plane jpa objects need have in persistence.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="">      <persistence-unit name="espn-mediacatalog">         <jta-data-source>java:jboss/datasources/your-datasourceds</jta-data-source>     <properties>                       <property name="" value="" />                  <property name="" value="" />      </properties> </persistence-unit> 



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