windows - FOR /F error not reading .csv {BATCH FILE} -

i getting these errors when running batch file:

system error 1379 has occurred.  specified local group exists.  press key continue . . . system cannot find file users.csv. {this problem lies} press key continue . . . there no such global user or group: users.csv 

my batch file

@echo off  rem adding local group net localgroup newdosgroup /comment:"new group assignment" /add pause rem add users .csv file  /f "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%g in (users.csv) (     net adduser  pause rem adding users local group /f "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%a in ("users.csv") (     net localgroup newdosgroup %%a /add     ) pause 

any amazing thanks.

put users.csv in same folder batch file.

this loop missing closing parenthesis of it, , net adduser should have argument of %%g or %%h or similar

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%g in (users.csv) (     net adduser 


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