Send curl request with form values using PHP -

i have page this:

<form action method="post">    <input type="hidden" name="rand" value="casualnumbers">    <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> 

i need result page, sending curl "rand" value post variable.

i know how send post variables using:

curlopt_postfields => array("rand" => "casualnumbers") 

but how can take "casualnumbers" form page?

the page generates random value , post request works if gets right random value, need take random value page , send post request right random value

that's use:

 preg_match_all('/<input.*type="(submit|hidden)".*name="([^"]+)".*value="([^"]*)".*>/u',$form_html,$vars); $post_vars=array(); for($i=0;$i<count($vars[2]);$i++)     $post_vars[$vars[2][$i]]=$vars[3][$i]; curl_setopt($curl,curlopt_post, true); curl_setopt($curl,curlopt_postfields,$post_vars); 

hope helps.


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