windows 8 - Crop image with rectangle -

i have image , want crop using rectangle, code below code put image , draw rectangle @ middle of image:


<canvas x:name="canvas" horizontalalignment="center" verticalalignment="center" width="340" height="480" background="blue">         <image x:name="photo" horizontalalignment="center" verticalalignment="center" manipulationmode="all">             <image.rendertransform>                 <compositetransform/>             </image.rendertransform>         </image>         <path stroke="black" strokethickness="1">             <>                 <rectanglegeometry rect="0,0,340,480"/>             </>         </path>     </canvas> 

i successful display image , draw rectangle. sample image below: enter image description here

now want click button crop image within rectangle(not auto clip). rectangle auto added when image loaded. cannot use "point pressed" , "point released". , cannot use "rectangle.clip" because auto clip image. how solve it? thanks

updated: able move image,how bind data , set rectangle coordinate dynamic? code below transform image. thanks.

public sealed partial class mainpage: page {         private compositetransform compositetranslation;          public mainpage()         {             this.initializecomponent();             photo.manipulationdelta += composite_manipulationdelta;             compositetranslation = new compositetransform();             photo.rendertransform = this.compositetranslation;         }          void composite_manipulationdelta(object sender, manipulationdeltaroutedeventargs e)         {             // scale image.             compositetranslation.centerx = photo.actualwidth / 2;             compositetranslation.centery = photo.actualheight / 2;             compositetranslation.scalex *=;             compositetranslation.scaley *=;             compositetranslation.translatex +=;             compositetranslation.translatey +=;         } } 

i have not used or xaml creates confusion me. created snippet according problem. try , let me know results. have used same image posted


<page.bottomappbar>     <appbar issticky="true" isopen="true">         <button content="crop" click="btncrop_click" />     </appbar> </page.bottomappbar>  <grid background="{staticresource applicationpagebackgroundthemebrush}">     <image x:name="photo" horizontalalignment="center" verticalalignment="center" manipulationmode="all" source="" />     <path x:name="path" stroke="red" strokethickness="3">         <>             <rectanglegeometry rect="545,212,440,420"/>         </>     </path> </grid> 


private void btncrop_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     var _rect = new rectanglegeometry();     _rect.rect =;     photo.clip = _rect; } 


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