linux - Grep is working differently accessing a server from different machines -

i have file values separated tabs. when value not present put '-' in corresponding field.

each line begins identifier. i'm searching lines corresponding given identifier and, using grep on machine (linux) 2 different machine (b , c) , 2 different results appear. in particular 1 of machines consecutives '-' missing. 2 machines 1 linux ubuntu (b) , other mac osx (c). here example:

input file:

comp10034_c0_seq1   281 -   uniref90_b7gcx2 276 3e-29   640 98.220640569395 13.90625    predicted_protein   phaeodactylum_tricornutum   -   -   go:0006200  atp_catabolic_process   go:0005524  atp  binding    go:0016020  membrane    pfam00005   138-230 1.00e-09    -   -   -   93  -   0   0.136126    0    comp10036_c0_seq1   315 -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   --  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   77  +   2   0.00277103  0    comp10037_c0_seq1   350 -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   --  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   77  +   2   0.738719    0    comp6261_c0_seq1    1227    -   uniref90_k0r0d8 519 1e-82   186 42.2982885085575    98.9247311827957    uncharacterized_protein thalassiosira_ oceanica -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   --  350 +   1   0.0034993   0 

grep machine b

grep 'comp6261_c0_seq1' file.txt 


comp6261_c0_seq1    1227    -   uniref90_k0r0d8 519 1e-82   186 42.2982885085575    98.9247311827957    uncharacterized_protein thalassiosira_oceanica  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   --  350 +   1   0.0034993   0 

grep machine c

grep 'comp6261_c0_seq1' file.txt 


comp6261_c0_seq1    1227    -   uniref90_k0r0d8 519 1e-82   186 42.2982885085575    98.9247311827957    uncharacterized_protein thalassiosira_oceanica  -   350 +   1   0.0034993   0 

p.s. here in forum tabs not viewable chosen write words separated spaces.

either input files different on each machine, or input file contains control characters interpreted differently on each machine. run diff , cat -v on input files discover true.


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