node.js - __dirname doesn't work in a regex -

i trying remove __dirname directory need copy (recursively). gather information problem:

console.log(typeof __dirname); // string console.log(__dirname); // c:\test 

i need create regex string program. therefore must use regexp(mystring). reality check on jsfiddle make sure right way escape \ \/ fiddle.

i run code in browser , works. run code in node.js , not work. take extreme trying remove regexp(__dirname) __dirname.

if have string var s = __dirname.tostring() + "myotherpath/" how remove __dirname part of string s?

your regex example wrong. regex removing backslash. string not have either backslash or slash.

var y = "c:\y"; //"c:y" 

to correctly add backslash have

var y = "c:\\y"; //"c:\y" 

your example have worked in linux separator /, not need escaped. besides looks doing substring replace not regex replace. giving __dirname in replace suffice :

var y = __dirname; var z = y.replace(__dirname,"").tostring(); 


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