ios - JSON parsing is not working -

im trying parse , show json content in tableviewcell, goes wrong.

json here:

-(void)connectiondidfinishloading:(nsurlconnection *)connection {     nsdictionary *json = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:webdata options:0 error:nil];      nsarray *arr = [json objectforkey:@"feed"];     for(nsdictionary *aaa in arr) {         nsdictionary *one = [aaa objectforkey:@"1"];         nsstring *oneprint= [one objectforkey:@"name"];         [array addobject:oneprint];     }      [[self tableview ] reloaddata]; } 

the problem arr nsdictionary not nsarray , when iterate on with

for (nsdictionary *aaa in arr) [...] 

you go through nsstring keys, , not values.


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