Android - Google Map v2 - need update google play service on device -

i use sdk 21 , develop on google map v2 when want install apk on device , device need latest version of google play service.

my questions are:

1 - have android devices google play service defaultly
2 - true ask customer install service ?
3 - if 2 question yes , how can embed service on project notify customer service installation , project install service itself

1 - have android devices google play service default

no, not devices have google play services installed default.

2 - true ask customer install service ?
3 - if 2 question yes , how can embed service on project notify customer service installation , project install service itself

normally check if google play services installed on device googleplayservicesutil.isgoogleplayservicesavailable(this);, , display error dialog links google play services app on google play market.

something this:

int resultcode = googleplayservicesutil.isgoogleplayservicesavailable(this); if (resultcode != connectionresult.success) {    if (googleplayservicesutil.isuserrecoverableerror(resultcode)) {        googleplayservicesutil.geterrordialog(resultcode, this,                     play_services_resolution_request).show();    } else {        log.i(tag, "this device not supported.");        finish();    } } 

for more info can take on link:


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