jquery - Ajax within an each() method -

i have 3 scripts

the first 1 dynamically generates form contain several inputs values contain id_mensaje i'm intereted in. want delete mysql registries related id_mensaje. i'd rather show scripts

1.- correo.php

<div id='eliminar_mensaje'><a href='#'>eliminar</a> </div>       <form>   <input class='elim_msg' type='checkbox' value='id_mensaje_".$i."' />    ...  more inputs whith same class name  </form>     

2.- correo.js

$('#eliminar_mensaje a').on('click', function(){       $('#loading').show();       $('.elim_msg').each(function(i,e){           var value = $(e).val();           var checked = $(e).prop('checked');           if(value != 'ok' && checked == true){               $.ajax({                   url: 'private/control_correo.php',                   type: 'post',                   data: 'id_mensaje='+value+'&accion=eliminar_mensaje'               });           } else {               //do nothing           }       });       location.reload(true);       return false;   });   

3.- control_correo.php

...} else if(isset($_post['accion']) , $_post['accion'] == 'eliminar_mensaje'){           consultav2("delete destinatarios id_mensaje = '".$_post['id_mensaje']."';");             consultav2("delete mensajes id_mensaje = '".$_post['id_mensaje']."';");       }     

when click on link whithin eliminar_mensaje div looks javascript code works doesn't reason i'm not able find.

does of see in scripts?
tanks lot in advance!

you need success , error parameters in ajax call determine whether request successful or not:

$.ajax({       url: 'private/control_correo.php',       type: 'post',       data: 'id_mensaje='+value+'&accion=eliminar_mensaje',     success: function(message) {         // things on success         alert(message);     },     error: function(message) {         // ajax request failed (not server side processing failed)         alert(message);     } }); 

you should @ building array of data pass first, passing in array , doing 1 ajax call.

$('#eliminar_mensaje a').on('click', function(){       $('#loading').show();       var ajaxarray = {};     $('.elim_msg').each(function(i,e){           var value = $(e).val();           var checked = $(e).prop('checked');           if(value != 'ok' && checked == true){               ajaxarray.push( e ); // add contents of e array          } else {               //do nothing           }       });      // done finding data, ajax     $.ajax({           url: 'private/control_correo.php',           type: 'post',           data: {             dataarray: ajaxarray         },         success: function(message) {             // things on success             alert(message);         },         error: function(message) {             // ajax request failed (not server side processing failed)             alert(message);         }     });     // server side script loops through passed array , things there, 1 ajax request }); 

also, what's location.reload() for? happens on click , might interfering ajax processing... if send array 1 request, can put location.reload success function.


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