xsd - How to declare a complexType has only one child element? -

when using xml schema declare complextype has 1 child element, below 3 approaches achieve goal:

<xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="somevalue"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:comlextype> <xs:complextype> <xs:choice>   <xs:element ref="somevalue"/> </xs:choice>   </xs:comlextype> <xs:complextype> <xs:all>      <xs:element ref="somevalue"/> </xs:all>      </xs:comlextype> 

apparently, sequence, choice , all not necessary single element, because should used indicate order of multiple elements. is there more concise way declare complextype has 1 child element? (i.e. 1 eliminates use of sequence, all or choice, somehow.)

just eliminating xs:sequence, xs:choice, or xs:all, not option:

  <xs:complextype name="ctype">     <xs:element name="e"/>    </xs:complextype> 

is not valid.

see xml representation of complex type definitions complextype's content model defined follows:

(annotation?, (simplecontent | complexcontent | ((group | | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributegroup)*, anyattribute?))))

there no provision element being direct child of complextype.


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