How to use a variable path in MySQL query in a Python script -

i having trouble getting variable path mysql query in python script. path variable either resolved double backslashes or none @ all.

this works:

 cursor.execute ("""load data local infile 'm:/users/jonathan/dropbox/bchs_3015/spatial data/cartographic data/usa/acs_data/sequence_number_and_table_number_lookup.csv'                 table sequence_table_lookup                 fields terminated ','enclosed '"'                 lines terminated '\r\n'                 ignore 1 lines                 (file_id,table_id,sequence_number,line_number, subject_area)"""); 

this following returns error:

_mysql_exceptions.internalerror: (22, "file 'm:usersjonathandropbox\x08chs_3015spatial datacartographic datausaacs_datasequence_number_and_table_number_lookup.txt' not found (errcode: 22)")   cursor.execute ("""load data local infile '%s'                 table sequence_table_lookup                 fields terminated ','enclosed '"'                 lines terminated '\r\n'                 ignore 1 lines                 (file_id,table_id,sequence_number,line_number, subject_area)""" % filepath); 

removing single quotes around %s yields

_mysql_exceptions.programmingerror: (1064, "you have error in sql syntax;  check manual corresponds mysql server version right  syntax use near 'm:\\users\\jonathan\\dropbox\\bchs_3015\\spatial data\\cartographic data\\usa\\acs_data\\' @ line 1") 

i appreciate in understanding how insert variable path mysql query.

i using pydev in eclipse on windows machine. python 2.7 , mysqldb connector.

the full block of relevant code

conn = mysqldb.connect (host = "localhost",                            user = "user",                            passwd = "pwd",                            db = "gis_census_acs") #finds census directory dropbox = navigation.get_dropbox_home() acs_data = os.path.join(dropbox,'bchs_3015','spatial data','cartographic data','usa','acs_data');  filepath in navigation.get_filepaths(acs_data):         filename = os.path.split(filepath)[1]         if filename == 'sequence_number_and_table_number_lookup.txt':             print filepath;             tablename = filename.split('.')[0].replace(' ','_')[0:64]             cursor = conn.cursor()             cursor.execute ('create table if not exists ' + tablename + """(                     file_id varchar(255),                     table_id varchar(255),                     sequence_number varchar(255),                     line_number varchar(255),                     start_position varchar(255),                     total_cells_in_table varchar(255),                     total_cells_in_sequence varchar(255),                     table_title text,                     subject_area text                     )""");             cursor.execute ("""load data local infile '%s'                     table sequence_table_lookup                     fields terminated ','enclosed '"'                     lines terminated '\r\n'                     ignore 1 lines                     (file_id,table_id,sequence_number,line_number, start_position,                      total_cells_in_table, total_cells_in_sequence, table_title, subject_area)""" % filepath);             print "number of rows inserted: %d" % cursor.rowcount             cursor.close()         else:             print "not file" conn.close () 

this file exists:

m:/users/jonathan/dropbox/bchs_3015/spatial data/cartographic data/usa/acs_data/sequence_number_and_table_number_lookup.csv 

as expect, strange 1 doesnt:

m:usersjonathandropbox\x08chs_3015spatial datacartographic datausaacs_datasequence_number_and_table_number_lookup.txt 

seems there's wrong filepath. try checking out.


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