iphone - How to replace OpenGL ES 1.1 EAGLLayer view with OpenGL view from GLKit? -

i have simple game uses eagllayer directly. had set runloop , opengl es boilerplate. game crashes because of opengl backgrounding problems. heard glkit has robust boilerplate opengl view takes care of opengl initialize , suspension.

is possible set glkit view opengl 1.1 , start?

this rather open-ended question, it's best start getting background glkit , ask more questions if have specific issues.

take @ code when creating new xcode project using "opengl game" template -- sets glkview , glkviewcontroller you. there's description of how these classes work , how use them in apple's opengl es programming guide.

the overall gist of it: glkview of framebuffer, renderbuffer, , viewport setup , presentation basic opengl es drawing (including framebuffer juggling multisampling if want that) have issue drawing commands. glkviewcontroller owns glkview , runs animation timer calls drawing code -- default, makes sure not call drawing code when app in background.

if you're using glkviewcontroller , making opengl es calls glkview (subclass or delegate) drawing method, shouldn't have worry crashing due gpu use in background. if seeing such crashes (with gpus_returnnotpermittedkillclient in stack trace), can try forcing gl complete processing before going background -- call glfinish() in applicationwillresignactive:.


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