boxplot - How do I get box plot key numbers from an array in PHP? -

say have array values like:

$values = array(48,30,97,61,34,40,51,33,1); 

and want values able plot box plot follows:

$box_plot_values = array(     'lower_outlier'  => 1,     'min'            => 8,     'q1'             => 32,     'median'         => 40,     'q3'             => 56,     'max'            => 80,     'higher_outlier' => 97, ); 

how in php?

function box_plot_values($array) {     $return = array(         'lower_outlier'  => 0,         'min'            => 0,         'q1'             => 0,         'median'         => 0,         'q3'             => 0,         'max'            => 0,         'higher_outlier' => 0,     );      $array_count = count($array);     sort($array, sort_numeric);      $return['min']            = $array[0];     $return['lower_outlier']  = $return['min'];     $return['max']            = $array[$array_count - 1];     $return['higher_outlier'] = $return['max'];     $middle_index             = floor($array_count / 2);     $return['median']         = $array[$middle_index]; // assume odd # of items     $lower_values             = array();     $higher_values            = array();      // if have number of values, need special rules     if ($array_count % 2 == 0)     {         // handle case averaging middle 2 items         $return['median'] = round(($return['median'] + $array[$middle_index - 1]) / 2);          foreach ($array $idx => $value)         {             if ($idx < ($middle_index - 1)) $lower_values[]  = $value; // need remove both of values used median lower values             elseif ($idx > $middle_index)   $higher_values[] = $value;         }     }     else     {         foreach ($array $idx => $value)         {             if ($idx < $middle_index)     $lower_values[]  = $value;             elseif ($idx > $middle_index) $higher_values[] = $value;         }     }      $lower_values_count = count($lower_values);     $lower_middle_index = floor($lower_values_count / 2);     $return['q1']       = $lower_values[$lower_middle_index];     if ($lower_values_count % 2 == 0)         $return['q1'] = round(($return['q1'] + $lower_values[$lower_middle_index - 1]) / 2);      $higher_values_count = count($higher_values);     $higher_middle_index = floor($higher_values_count / 2);     $return['q3']        = $higher_values[$higher_middle_index];     if ($higher_values_count % 2 == 0)         $return['q3'] = round(($return['q3'] + $higher_values[$higher_middle_index - 1]) / 2);      // check if min , max should capped     $iqr = $return['q3'] - $return['q1']; // calculate inner quartile range (iqr)     if ($return['q1'] > $iqr)                  $return['min'] = $return['q1'] - $iqr;     if ($return['max'] - $return['q3'] > $iqr) $return['max'] = $return['q3'] + $iqr;      return $return; } 


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