Using HttpRequest in Windows Phone -

i have binary stream takes photo stream photochooser task in windows phone. trying upload picture user chooses onto web server.

how copy photo stream httprequest stream?

so far have this

binarystream bstream = new binarystream(streamfromphotochooser); httprequest request = new httprequest() 

i know how set properties httprequest uploads right place. problem actual uploading of picture.

you can write or copy binary stream request stream getting request stream , writing stream it. here sort of code may find useful web request httpwebrequest , problem capy photo stream in httprequest stream done in getrequeststreamcallback()

private void uploadclick() {         httpwebrequest myrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("your url of server");         myrequest.method = "post";         myrequest.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";          myrequest.begingetrequeststream(new asynccallback(getrequeststreamcallback), myrequest); }  private void getrequeststreamcallback(iasyncresult asynchronousresult) {         try         {             httpwebrequest request = (httpwebrequest)asynchronousresult.asyncstate;    poststream = request.endgetrequeststream(asynchronousresult);               //your binary stream upload             binarystream bstream = new binarystream(streamfromphotochooser);             //copy data request stream             bstream.copyto(poststream);              //or              byte[] bytearray = //get bytes of choosen picture             // write request stream.             poststream.write(bytearray, 0, postdata.length);             poststream.close();              //start asynchronous operation response             request.begingetresponse(new asynccallback(getresponsecallback), request);         }         catch (webexception e)         {          } }  private void getresponsecallback(iasyncresult asynchronousresult) {         try         {             httpwebrequest request = (httpwebrequest)asynchronousresult.asyncstate;             httpwebresponse response = (httpwebresponse)request.endgetresponse(asynchronousresult);              //to read server responce              stream streamresponse = response.getresponsestream();             string responsestring = new streamreader(streamresponse).readtoend();             // close stream object             streamresponse.close();              // release httpwebresponse             response.close();              dispatcher.begininvoke(() =>                 {                     //update ui here                  });             }         }         catch (webexception e)         {             //handle non success exception here                         }                    } 


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