android - How to retain a dialog's opened state onRestoreInstanceState -

say i've opened dialog , turn phone sideways. want dialog remain open. how acheive that?

here's i've tried

dialog dialog; boolean dialogshown = false;  onclick:    dialog = new dialog(login.this,;;    dialogshown = true;     dialogbutton.onclick:         //dostuff         dialog.dismiss();         dialogshown = false; 


@override protected void onsaveinstancestate(bundle outstate) {     super.onsaveinstancestate(outstate);     if(dialogshown) {         outstate.putboolean("dialogshown", true);     } }  @override protected void onrestoreinstancestate(bundle outstate) {     super.onrestoreinstancestate(outstate);     outstate.getboolean("dialogshown");     if(dialogshown){;     } } 

but when turn phone sideways, nullpointer exception on row:; 

in onrestoreinstancestate, doesnt recognize dialog anymore?

you want have dialogshown = outstate.getboolean("dialogshown") key parameter getboolean() can string, it's not variable name.

stylistically, bundle should called instate in onrestoreinstancestate().

further, dialogfragments, 1 of problems they're supposed solve.


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