How to implement a default view in CakePHP? -

in cakephp each method of controller has own view , view template file name of method.

class datacontroller extends appcontroller  {   public function one()   {     // render one.ctp   }    public function two()   {     // render two.ctp   } } 

accourding api documentation there $view property of controller specifies view render. should have ability specify default view file, all.ctp, methods of controller

class datacontroller extends appcontroller  {   public $view = 'all';    public function one()   {     // should render all.ctp   }    public function two()   {     // should render all.ctp   } } 

however not work , cakephp ignores $view property , continues template file of same name method.

is there way have default view without having insert $this->render('all'); in each of controller's methods?

the value going overridden in controller::setrequest() being called in controllers class constructor.

you use controllers beforefilter() callback instead set value:

public function beforefilter() {     parent::beforefilter();     $this->view = 'all'; } 


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