c# - Deserialize the content of one of the template to check if it is in valid XML format -

i want deserialize content of 1 of template check if in valid xml format.can 1 give me sample code this?

you can use validatesample:

using system; using system.collections; using system.data; using system.io; using system.xml; using system.xml.schema; using system.text;  public class xmlvalidator {     // validation error count     static int errorscount = 0;       // validation error message     static string errormessage = "";      public static void validationhandler(object sender,                                          validationeventargs args)     {         errormessage = errormessage + args.message + "\r\n";         errorscount ++;     }      public void validate(string strxmldoc)     {         try         {             // declare local objects             xmltextreader         tr   = null;             xmlschemacollection   xsc  = null;             xmlvalidatingreader   vr   = null;              // text reader object             tr  = new xmltextreader(urlpath);             xsc = new xmlschemacollection();             xsc.add(null, tr);              // xml validator object              vr = new xmlvalidatingreader( strxmldoc,                          xmlnodetype.document, null);              vr.schemas.add(xsc);              // add validation event handler              vr.validationtype = validationtype.schema;             vr.validationeventhandler +=                      new validationeventhandler(validationhandler);              // validate xml data              while(vr.read());              vr.close();              // raise exception, if xml validation fails             if (errorscount > 0)             {                 throw new exception(errormessage);             }              // xml validation succeeded             console.writeline("xml validation succeeded.\r\n");         }         catch(exception error)         {             // xml validation failed             console.writeline("xml validation failed." + "\r\n" +             "error message: " + error.message);         }     } } 

and code deserialize:

var reader = new stringreader(xmlstring);         var serializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(radio));         var instance = (radio)serializer.deserialize(reader);          return instance; 


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