c# - .net, jax-ws, wsimport, svcUtil.exe -

can please tell how enum values mapped when try generate classes wsdl in .net?

at provider end web service language being used java , generate classes form wsdl using wsimport consumers consume service , based on .net platform , use svcutil.exe generate classes. can see there mismatch in enum valuse being mapped java .net.

please find below piece of code ref

using wsimport:             <simpletype name="enumcontactcriteriatype">         <restriction base="xsd:string">             <enumeration value="personal" />             <enumeration value="demographic" />             <enumeration value="addlregisdtls" />             <enumeration value="recipientdtls" />             <enumeration value="authdtls" />             <enumeration value="regisdtls" />          </restriction>              </simpletype>  using svcutil:                <xs:simpletype name="enumcontactcriteriatype">                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">                     <xs:enumeration value="regisdtls" />                      <xs:enumeration value="authdtls" />                      <xs:enumeration value="recipientdtls" />                      <xs:enumeration value="addlregisdtls" />                      <xs:enumeration value="demographic" />                      <xs:enumeration value="personal" />                     </xs:restriction>              </xs:simpletype> 

any suggestions? in advance.


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