Store images in array PHP -

i'm new @ php doing work, want save images in php array , show them in screen, cannot save them or display them.

<?php  $min = 1; $max = 9; $number1 = rand($min,$max);  ($i=1 ; $i<=$number1 ; $i++){  $firstn [$i] = echo "<img src='index.jpg' border='0'>"; }      echo $firstn [1]; ?> 

this got , , last line test nothing works, google topic doesn't help. in advance.

as long index.jpg in same directory file, should work:

<?php  $firstn = array(); $min = 1; $max = 9; $number1 = rand($min, $max); ($i = 0; $i < $number1; $i++){     $firstn[] = '<img src="index.jpg" border="0">'; }     echo $firstn[0]; ?> 

cleaned code bit. when storing information in array, don't use echo and, mister pointed out, had space in echo @ bottom of code between array-variable , brackets.


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