web - javascript: program get stuck -

i'm learing javascript on codecademy. following program got stuck when submitted it. new can not find bug. downloaded aptana studio don't know how debug:(. there way trace code? in advance.

var slaying = true; var youhit = math.random() > 0.5; var damagethisround = math.floor(5 * math.random()); var totaldamage = 0;  while (slaying) {     if (youhit) {         console.log("you hit dragon.");         totaldamage += damagethisround;         if (totaldamage >= 4) {             console.log("you've stew dragon!");             slaying = false;         } else {             youhit = math.random() > 0.5;         }     } else {         console.log("the dragon defeated you.")     } } 

as per understanding. need set slaying = false in else section, otherwise program thrown infinite loop.

} else {     slaying = false; //added here - breaks while() condition     console.log("the dragon defeated you.") } 

simple, when the dragon defeated you. slaying stops. (pun intended)

for debugging use chrome's built in developer tools or firebug in firefox. both, use f12 access whilst in chosen browser.


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