python - Importing a module at runtime -

i'm trying import module using __import__(). need use __import__ becuase don't know module i'll need before runtime.

let's module i'll need myclass. file tree api/apps/myapp/, , class have in myclass. now, access methods of myclass i'm doing this:

my_class_module =  __import__('api.apps.myapp.my_class') my_class= my_class_module.myclass() 

but i'm getting error: 'module' object has no attribute 'myclass'

any ideas?

by default, __import__ return reference first module. in example, api. solution use fromlist parameter:

my_class_module =  __import__('api.apps.myapp.my_class', fromlist=['']) 

from __import__ documentation:

[...] when importing module package, note ___import___('a.b', ...) returns package when fromlist empty, submodule b when fromlist not empty. [...]

for details on reason so, see why python's __import__ require fromlist?


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