xcode - kxsmb folder not downloading libs folder iOS -

i have been trying quite time download libs folder contains talloc_stack.h, talloc.h, libsmbclient.h, libsmbclient.a, libtalloc.a, libtdb.a, libwbclient.a, libtevent.a files.but not able download it.whenever doing "rake" within kxsmb folder in terminal following errror:

executing tar -zxf samba-4.0.7.tar.gz rake aborted! no such file or directory - /applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/platforms/iphonesimulator.platform/developer/sdks/iphonesimulator6.1.sdk/usr/include/crt_externs.h /users/rahul/downloads/kxsmb-master/rakefile:52:in `copyifnotexists' (see full trace running task --trace) 

could let me know how can download , can download it.

moreover, can use library for sending image windows shared folder ios application?

this first answer on so, please bear me.

around same time question asked, facing same problem. contacted developer on twitter well, said not maintaining library anymore. thankfully, kind gentleman has applied fix , library works on xcode 5:


you may error:

need autoconf 2.53 or later build samba git

if so, can download , install autoconf using this:

curl -ol http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/autoconf/autoconf-2.69.tar.gz tar -xzf autoconf-2.69.tar.gz cd autoconf-2.69 ./configure && make && sudo make install


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