objective c - Obj-C GUI app with button to run shell script -

i looking guide or give me demonstration of how make gui can put button on there , link script.

i know how use applescript editor make basic apps present buttons , move dialog dialog, want basic dialog box stay open until user decides quit ( +q ).

ideally, able created in xcode. got general idea of how make interface, need know, how link interface build, script executes each time pressed.

if has made video explaining this, or can point me in direction of guide, ideal. if want write out explanation, better.

i have started play obj-c little, , in-time hope able provide productive responses others looking commence obj-c development too.

look @ automator. has "do shell script" automation basic automations choosing files , presenting dialogs. don't know off hand if there automation want can cobble together.

if know applescript, can build applescriptobjc app in xcode.


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