android - All inflated items are vanished when screen orientation changes -

please me..

in activity use loop inflate items using layoutinflator service. there textviews in activity. textview values remain unchanged inflated items vanished when change screen orientation..

i know activity recreated again redraw ui match layouts , tried saving instance bundle. helpless. can save these inflated items bundle , restore on restore.

one guy told me hide soft keyboard when change orientation. set properties on manifest , hiding keyboard on orientation change event listener.

the way can protect app turn off auto orientation. thats not want.

in manifest, put android:configchanges = "orientation" activity. prevent activity being destroyed , recreated when rotate screen.

note have careful when doing this. if of resources depend on orientation configuration (like if have resource folder called values-land or drawable-port, etc.) these resources must reloaded after configuration change. see documentation here.


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