regex - How to change all title attribute's value in Title Case in sublime text -

i have 500 html files in project casing , quotes (" or ') in <title> attribute vary on pages, see few examples below

<button title="next" id="next"> next</button> <button title="next"> next </buton> <button title=""please go back">check</button>  

i want change title attributes in title case

<button title="next" id="next"> next</button> <button title="next"> next </buton> <button title="please go back">check</button># 

i have tried find , replace - regular expression , case sensitive button enabled

find what: title=(".*")\s
replace with: title="\u$"

but didn't success.please tell me doing wrong?

updated : want remove ' " see #

to further comment, first it's issue of .* being 'greedy' instead of 'lazy', meaning matching as possible (i.e. next"> next</button><button title="next in example).

the quick fix using 'lazy' .* instead, aka .*? (i added ? indicate possible presence of space because there's none in examples):


to improve performance, use negated class:


where [^"]+ matches character except ".

and cope different quotes, can use:


which means either "[^"]+" or '[^']+' part within parentheses.

for replace , consecutive quotes issue:


replace with:


the thing last line <button title="please go back">check</button>, if that's not issue...

edit: \g works. use second replace:


replace with:



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