javascript - How to extend ExtJs component? -

i want extend ext.from.formpanel comprises grid , buttons. found saki's example:

ext.ns('myapp');  myapp.abstractformpanel = ext.extend(ext.form.formpanel, {  defaulttype:'textfield' ,frame:true ,width:300 ,height:200 ,labelwidth:75 ,submiturl:null ,submitt:'submit' ,cancelt:'cancel' ,initcomponent:function() {      // create config object     var config = {         defaults:{anchor:'-10'}     };      // build config     this.buildconfig(config);      // apply config     ext.apply(this, ext.apply(this.initialconfig, config));      // call parent;  } // eo function initcomponent  ,buildconfig:function(config) {     this.buildbuttons(config); } // eo function buildconfig  ,buildbuttons:function(config) {     config.buttons = [{          text:this.submitt         ,scope:this         ,handler:this.onsubmit         ,iconcls:'icon-disk'     },{          text:this.cancelt         ,scope:this         ,handler:this.oncancel         ,iconcls:'icon-undo'     }]; }  ,onsubmit:function() {     ext.messagebox.alert('submit', this.submiturl); }   ,oncancel:function() {     this.el.mask('this form canceled'); } // eo function oncancel  }); // eo extend 

it may contain many buttons i'll give it. how add grid? gonna put grid in initconmponent this?

initcomponent:function() {      // create config object     var config = {         defaults:{anchor:'-10'}     };      // build config     this.buildconfig(config);      // apply config     ext.apply(this, ext.apply(this.initialconfig, config));      // call parent;     mygrid = new ext.grid.gridpanel({....});  } 

where can found example or tutorial?
ps: extjs version 3.4.

the grid fits form container in items block. saki has example of grid in window. in can see window component has items array. , grid item in array.

what need have form panel declare items array 1 of items grid.


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