android - Custom view for scrolling with fling -

i want create custom view should scroll horizontally , can useful header toolbar(as action bar) , footer toolbar.

 protected override void onmeasure(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec)         {             try             {                 displaymetrics met = new displaymetrics();                 display.getmetrics(met);                 m_ftoolsize = (met.xdpi * c_ftooliconsize) / c_fmmperinch;                 setmeasureddimension(met.widthpixels, (int)(m_ftoolsize + 2 * c_ntoolindent));             }             catch { }         }          protected override void onlayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)         {             try             {                 int[] loc = new int[2];                 getlocationonscreen(loc);                 loc[1] -= sysutil.getstatusbarheight(resources);                 display dsp = ((activity)context).windowmanager.defaultdisplay;                 if (loc[1] < dsp.height / 2)                 {                     m_bisuppertoolbar = true;                 }                 int ntoolsize = (int)m_ftoolsize;                 int nnumtools = (int)(((r - l) - (2 * c_ntoolindent)) / m_ftoolsize);                 m_ftoolspace = ((r - l) - 2 * c_ntoolindent - nnumtools * ntoolsize) / (nnumtools - 1);                 float x = c_ntoolindent, y = c_ntoolindent;                 (int = 0; < childcount; i++)// removed condition of nnumtools allow scrolling                 {                     getchildat(i).layout((int)x, (int)y, (int)x + ntoolsize, (int)y + ntoolsize);                     x += m_ftoolsize + m_ftoolspace;                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {             }         }          //to implement scrolling         //this allows viewgroup watch events dispatched child views         public override bool onintercepttouchevent(motionevent e)         {             console.writeline("onintercepttouchevent");             boolean intercept = false;              try             {                 switch (e.action)                 {                     case motioneventactions.move:                         {                             int xdiff = (int)math.abs(e.getx() - m_flastx);                             if (xdiff > mtouchslop)                             {                                 m_ntouchstate = c_ntouchstatehorizontalscrolling;                                 m_flastx = e.getx();                             }                             int ydiff = (int)math.abs(e.gety() - m_flasty);                             if (ydiff > mtouchslop)                             {                                 m_ntouchstate = -1;                             }                             if (math.abs(xdiff * 2) > math.abs(ydiff) && xdiff > mtouchslop)                             {                                 intercept = true;                             }                              break;                         }                      case motioneventactions.cancel:                     case motioneventactions.up:                         // release drag.                         m_ntouchstate = c_ntouchstaterest;                         break;                     case motioneventactions.down:                         m_flasty = e.gety();                         m_flastx = e.getx();                         break;                     default:                         break;                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {             }             return intercept;         }          public override bool ontouchevent(motionevent e)         {             console.writeline("tb ontouchevent");             try             {                 if (mvelocitytracker == null)                 {                     mvelocitytracker = velocitytracker.obtain();                 }                 mvelocitytracker.addmovement(e);                 float x = e.getx();                 float y = e.gety();                 switch (e.action)                 {                     case motioneventactions.down:                         if (!m_scroller.isfinished)                         {                             m_scroller.abortanimation();                         }                         m_flastx = x;                         if (m_scroller.isfinished)                         {                             m_ntouchstate = c_ntouchstaterest;                         }                         else                         {                             m_ntouchstate = c_ntouchstatehorizontalscrolling;                         }                         break;                      case motioneventactions.move:                         int deltax = (int)(m_flastx - x);                         m_flastx = x;                         int scrollx = scrollx;                         // scroll right                         if (deltax < 0)                         {                             if (scrollx > 0)                             {                                 scrollby(math.max(-scrollx, deltax), 0);                             }                         }                         // scroll left                         else if (deltax > 0)                         {                             // visible full icons without empty spaces                              int availabletoscroll =                                     getchildat(childcount - 1).right - scrollx - (display.width - c_ntoolindent);                              if (availabletoscroll > 0)                             {                                 scrollby(math.min(availabletoscroll, deltax), 0);                             }                         }                         break;                      case motioneventactions.up:                          //for (int index = 0; index < childcount; index++)                         //{                         //    view v = getchildat(index);                         //    rect rect = new rect(v.left,, v.right, v.bottom);                          //    if (v.getlocalvisiblerect(rect))                         //    {                         //        // here because either clipped or visible                         //        int[] loc = new int[2];                         //        v.getlocationonscreen(loc);                         //        int n = v.width;                          //        if (loc[0] < c_ntoolindent)                         //        {                         //            // identify clipped view                         //            if (math.abs(loc[0]) >= v.width / 2)                         //            {                         //                // scroll view outside screen                         //                scrollby(v.width + loc[0] + (int)m_ftoolspace - c_ntoolindent, 0);                         //                break;                         //            }                         //            else                         //            {                         //                scrollby(loc[0] - c_ntoolindent, 0);                         //                break;                         //            }                         //        }                         //    }                         //}                         velocitytracker velocitytracker = mvelocitytracker;                     velocitytracker.computecurrentvelocity(1000, mmaximumvelocity);                     int initialxvelocity = (int)velocitytracker.xvelocity;                     int initialyvelocity = (int)velocitytracker.yvelocity;                     if ((system.math.abs(initialxvelocity) + system.math.abs(initialyvelocity) > mminimumvelocity) && childcount > 0)                     {                         fling(-initialxvelocity, 0);                     }                     if (mvelocitytracker != null)                     {                         mvelocitytracker.recycle();                         mvelocitytracker = null;                     }                     break;                          m_ntouchstate = c_ntouchstaterest;                         break;                     case motioneventactions.cancel:                         m_ntouchstate = c_ntouchstaterest;                         break;                     default:                         break;                 }             }             catch (exception ex)             {             }             return true;         }         public void fling(int velocityx, int velocityy)         {             console.writeline("tb fling");             if (childcount > 0)             {                 int height = height - paddingbottom - paddingtop;                 int bottom = getchildat(0).height;                 int width = width - paddingright - paddingleft;                 int right = getchildat(0).width;                  m_scroller.fling(scrollx, 0, velocityx, 0, 0, 1300, 0, 0);                  bool movingdown = velocityy > 0;                 bool movingright = velocityx > 0;                //  view newfocused = findfocusableviewinmybounds(movingright, mscroller.finalx, movingdown, mscroller.finaly, findfocus());                   awakenscrollbars(m_scroller.duration);                 invalidate();             }         } 


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