Obtaining max and min values in Clojure -

i trying pull maximum , minimum results sql query clojure can perform mathematical analysis on them unsure why getting error.

i have used max , min functions in code try , determine these results although keep getting 2 errors seem relate way using :counter keyword.

the data returned in map sql query looks this:

    {:date1 "20131007", :data "object1", :counter 1000}     {:date1 "20131007", :data "object2", :counter 50}     {:date1 "20131007", :data "object3", :counter 230} 

when use code:

    minvalue(min(map(keyword :counter)data2))     maxvalue(max(map(keyword :counter)data2))     valrange(- maxvalue minvalue)     valpc(* (/ valrange 100) 10)     x(- maxvalue valpc) 

i want minvalue set 50 , maxvalue set 1000 although getting error:

    java.lang.classcastexception: clojure.lang.lazyseq cannot cast java.lang.number 

if remove map function code , run again, error:

    java.lang.classcastexception: clojure.lang.keyword cannot cast java.lang.number 

any appreciated on i'm stuck (and pretty ovbious i'm novice @ clojure)! thanks

a few changes code:

  • min , max take variable number of parameters, rather collection. use apply to, apply contents of collection parameters instead.
  • clojure naming conventions use - between words
  • valid calls have in form (basically list first item callable)
  • no need use "keyword", keyword when have string , need associated keyword. dragging data out of maps keywords act functions e.g (:a {:a 1 :b 2}) returns 1.
  • factored out commonality in first 2 lines

    (def data [{:date1 "20131007", :data "object1", :counter 1000}            {:date1 "20131007", :data "object2", :counter 50}            {:date1 "20131007", :data "object3", :counter 230}])  (def counters (map :counter data))      ; => (100 50 230) (def min-value (apply min counters))    ; => 50 (def max-value (apply max counters))    ; => 1000 (def val-range (- max-value min-value)) ; => 950 (def val-pc (* (/ val-range 100) 10))   ; => 95 (def x (- max-value val-pc))            ; => 905 


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