- Get first cell data in child grid of kendo hierachy grid -

i m using kendo hierarchy grid. in child grid put "edit" button. need child row first column data (id) when click edit button.

my detailinit function , clickbfunction here.

     function detailinit(e) {                                 var    _po_sectionid;          $("<div/>").appendto(e.detailcell).kendogrid({                datasource: {                   transport: {                     read: _postionsbysectionurl + _po_sectionid                   },                   schema: {                     data: "data",                     total: "count"                   },                                                    },                   scrollable: false,                   sortable: true,                   pageable: true,                        { field: "containerid", title: "possition id",hidden:true },                        { field: "containername", title: "containername",hidden:true  },                        {                            title: "action", width: 95, command: [                            {                              id: "edit",                              name: "edit",                              click: onpositionrowselect,                              template: "<a class='k-button k-grid-edit' href='' style='min-width:16px;'><span class='k-icon k-edit'></span></a>"                            }                                                                                   ]},                  ]           });    } 

how can child first row cell data onpositionrowselect function?

function onpositionrowselect(e) {        e.preventdefault();        _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _         alert("container id : "+ containerid);   } 

you can using closest() function. (

function onpositionrowselect(e) {     e.preventdefault();     var element = $(;     var grid = element.closest("[data-role=grid]").data("kendogrid");     var dataitem = grid.dataitem(element.closest("tr"));      alert(dataitem.containerid); } 


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