objective c - Xcode 5 constantly crashing. Looking for root cause. -

i know site more coding questions, have been having problem game crashing 2 weeks now, , apple hasn't begun helpful in solving issue or identifying be. hoping maybe has experienced similar , @ least me pointed in right direction.

for week had problem xcode crashing every time accessed current file (gameboard.m) in game. file had existed in game months , never caused crash , never did until few days after installed xcode 5. whenever working, , click on gameboard.m, would, increasing frequency, crash xcode. when looking @ activity monitor, free ram go 5gigs 10 mbs, , have force-quit xcode.

after gameboard.m crash xcode, crash xcode upon opening every time after that. found temporary fix issue duplicating file, going , deleting gameboard.m file, copy , pasting previous version , re-importing it.

sometimes click on gameboard.m , open fine, if press cmd+opt+shift+left collapse methods, crash xcode. every time xcode crashes same thing, ram goes 0, freezes until force-quitted. after first week , 30 copy-pastes fo game, quick fix stopped working , couldnt open file on desktop, including files havent opened in months.

so far i've submitted bug ticket, have gotten no replys besides asking additional crash reports, i've reinstalled xcode many times, created new user , tried working on that, , reinstall os. i'm trying figure out if code related problem, or hardware problem needs fixed. know have memory leaks in game trying address right (i've been teaching myself how program since start , has been gaping hole in education until now. source material guys know of point way!!)

side question: if have memory leak, when computer take on allocated ram? exiting simulator? restarting computer?

again, know bit of unusual question so, i've been unable work 2 weeks , cant see end in sight, or ideas can guys helpful. thank you!!

the common way resolve xcode crashes clear out derived data directory. go preferences>locations find out is. delete whole directory tree. default ~/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata may different you.

that said, fact continued when working different user troubling, since default derived data directory per-user, possible you've set single place.


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