objective c - OS X Status Bar Application with a title in two lines -

i'm old ios developer , want make simple os x status bar application. need put title @ nsstatusitem should in 2 lines, istatpro network feature.

how should add it?

here simple example. example shows 2 lines 2 simple blinking lights.

it uses nsview (custom view) 2 nstextfields , 2 nsimagewells inside of it.

the red , green light images added project , set image wells in ib.

enter image description here

enter image description here


// //  appdelegate.m //  drawing strings // //  created mark hunte on 07/10/2013. //  copyright (c) 2013 mark hunte. rights reserved. //  #import "appdelegate.h"  @implementation appdelegate nsstatusitem *statusitem;  -(void)awakefromnib{      //-- set attributed text lines. gives more control on text if want it.     nsmutableparagraphstyle *paragraphstyle = [[nsmutableparagraphstyle alloc] init];       //--set height of lines     paragraphstyle.maximumlineheight = 12.f;       //-- text nstextfield 1     nsattributedstring *attributedstring = [[nsattributedstring alloc]                                             initwithstring:@"line 1"attributes: [nsdictionary                                                                                  dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: [nscolor blackcolor], nsforegroundcolorattributename,paragraphstyle,nsparagraphstyleattributename ,nil]];      //-- text nstextfield 2     nsattributedstring *attributedstring2 = [[nsattributedstring alloc]                                               initwithstring:@"line 2"attributes: [nsdictionary                                                                                   dictionarywithobjectsandkeys: [nscolor blackcolor], nsforegroundcolorattributename,paragraphstyle,nsparagraphstyleattributename ,nil]];       //--- set text     [_textfield1  setattributedstringvalue:attributedstring];     [_textfield2  setattributedstringvalue:attributedstring2];       //--- set status bar     nsstatusbar *bar = [nsstatusbar systemstatusbar];     statusitem =  [bar statusitemwithlength: nsvariablestatusitemlength]  ;       //-- constrain custom views size     [_customview setframesize: nsmakesize(50, 22)];       //--- add view status bar item      [statusitem setview:_customview];      //-- make sure displays     [ _customview display];     [_customview  setneedsdisplay:true];      //-- hide 1 of image views     [_greenlight   sethidden:true];   }  - (void)applicationdidfinishlaunching:(nsnotification *)anotification {       //-- set time blink 2 image view lights  nstimer *    timer = [nstimer scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(blinklights) userinfo:nil repeats:yes];      [timer fire];  }  -(void)blinklights{      //-- if image view hidden unhide it, if shown hide it.      [_greenlight   sethidden:![_greenlight ishidden]];     [_redlight   sethidden:![_redlight ishidden]];   }   @end 

i use 2 textfields think give better control if needed. can use 1 , newline text. @"line 1\nline 2"

i had set maximum line hight text alignment , had fiddle constraints in ib.

but result 2 lines blinking lights:

enter image description here

enter image description here


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