Batch processing in JSON using Youtube API V3 -

i'm able use v3 api add single video playlist, i'm having trouble adding multiple videos @ once.

to add single video using api explorer, request looks like:

post              part=snippet&fields=id%2cstatus&key={my_api_key}  content-type:  application/json authorization:  bearer {my_token} x-javascript-user-agent:  google apis explorer  {  "snippet": {   "playlistid": "plsocvumhlfzltir58niqsaf2ue1vqwvjo",   "resourceid": {    "playlistid": "plsocvumhlfzltir58niqsaf2ue1vqwvjo",    "videoid": "7mbnb_lzwdm",    "kind": "youtube#video"   }  } } 

i want submit multiple "videoids" in single request. i've tried "videoid":["id1","id2","id3"], , request successful adds first item in array.

data api v3, doesn't support multiple playlistitem inserts @ once. please file feature request in , let me know id comment here.

but can batch requests


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